NEXT Generation 
 Radar Technology 

for Your Application

 NEXT Generation 
 Radar Technology 

for Your Application

 NEXT Generation 
 Radar Technology 

for Your Application

 NEXT Generation 
 Radar Technology 

for Your Application

// ABOUT 2π-LABS: Let's Think Radar //

Precision Radar Technology for Industry, Science and R&D

As an innovation leader in precision radar technology, 2π-LABS offers innovative state-of-the-art hardware and signal processing solutions in an easy to implement and robust form-factor for industry, academia and R&D.

Our passion is your advantage!

// ADVANTAGES: Leading with Radar //

Your Reasons to Use 2π SENSE Precision Radar Technology

Benefit from our award-winning ultra-wideband precision Radar technology for the leading edge in your value-added chain.
Our custom developed 2π SENSE technology D-band millimeter wave IC with uncompromising performance is the heart beating in all our sensors.

Passionate German Engineering in a 1.5 mm x 2 mm IC enables the following benefits for your application.


2π SENSE technology advances radar resolution by a factor of 56 compared to current ISM band radar sensors.


To suit the need of your most demanding applications 2π SENSE technology provides atomic clock level accuracy.


The 2π SENSE technology was designed with multi-protocol capability and lens antenna exchangability in mind.


2π SENSE is the first D-band ultra wide bandwidth sensor technology designed for CE and FCC compliance.

// SOLUTIONS: Industrial Sensors Easy to Use //

Let Your Production Take Advantage From Precision Radar Technology

Boost your end-of-line (EOL) quality inspection with the versatile  2π-LABS radar technology. Discover highest resolution multi-target detection capability and outstanding thickness measurement performance. Utilize the permittivity measurement capabilities to monitor foaming degrees, moisture in production goods, coating thicknesses, or raw material quality among many other non destructive testing (NDT) applications.

Go beyond robust & accurate precision radar ranging applications and explore the easy to use analytic radar capabilities of 2π SENSE technology enabled by covering large parts of the D-band spectrum.

Begin your journey with innovative radar technology radar now!

// SOLUTIONS: Scientific Sensors with Performance //

High-End Precision D-Band Radar Technology for Your Lab and Research

Explore the D-band in your lab and drive innovation in the emerging research areas.

The versatile 2π SENSE is the ultimative swiss pocket knife tool in a pocket sized form-factor and with a plug & play USBTMC interface for your lab. Open source software, USB Type-C powered, a wide bandwidth of 56 GHz (126-182 GHz), high precision and a standard flange waveguide interface complete the package and make 2π SENSE sensors your favorite instrument.

Use it for evaluation of new applications, such as fast quasi-VNA S-parameter measurements, radar NDT imaging or just as a wideband and highly stable signal source.   

Unleash the D-band in your laboratory and explore what’s ahead!

// APPLICATIONS: Deep Process Insight with Radar //

Choose Your Application Field and Explore Your Benefits

Real-Time Plastic Sheet/Wall Thickness Measurements
Measure the thickness of plastic sheets or the wall thickness of plastic extrusions using the 2π SENSE technology. Due to the unique ultra-high bandwidth, sheet and wall thicknesses down to a few millimeters can be measured.
Ultra-High Precision and Stability Distance Measurements
The exceptionally high bandwidth of the 2π SENSE technology allows the use of a new class of absolute-phase algorithms for highest precision distance measurements.
In-Line Plastic and Composite Material Properties Characterization
Besides measurement of geometrical characteristics of dielectric materials, the 2π SENSE technology enables the in-line capable measurement of material properties of composite materials or moisture content in hygroscopic materials.
Non-Destructive Testing of Produced Goods
Owing to the network analysls-like working principle of the 2π SENSE technology, performing ultra-fast S-Parameter measurements for non-destructive testing scenarios is possible,even in harsh environments.
Rapid Prototyping of D-Band / 6G Sensing Applications
Use the 2π SENSE technology to boost your research capabilities and reduce time to market. Starting with high resolution NDT imaging applications, over D band / EHF signal generation to quasi-VNA measurements - explore what’s possible.
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// CUSTOMERS: Getting Work Done with us //

2π SENSE Customers, Partners and OEMs

We value the business and collaborations with our customers, partner and OEMs from all over the world in a wide variety of demanding applications.

Don’t hesitate to contact us and benefit from our radar technology knowledge!

// CONTACT: Newsletter //

Stay Up To Date

The future of mmWave technology is bright. Stay up to date with us by subscribing to our newsletter.

// CONTACT: Here for You //

Contact Us

Are you interested in our products or precision mmWave radar sensor technology?
Please get in touch with us for further details, to discuss possibilities, or for technology demonstrations.
Simply leave us a message and we will get in touch with you within next three business days.

Customer / Sales Contact:

Engineering Contact:

Other Contact:

2pi-Labs GmbH
Universitaetsstr. 150
44801 Bochum

Phone Contact:
+49 (0)234 545069 – 00

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