About 2π-LABS:
Your Next Generation
Radar Technology Partner
// About Us: Philosophy //
Our Passion is Your Advantage
2π-LABS is the inventor of an award-winning, innovative ultra-wideband, robust and easy-to-use radar technology for achieving maximum performance in your application.
Our goal is to achieve a significant advantage in value creation for our customers and OEM partners.

“In everything we do, we strive to achieve a significant advantage in value creation for our customers and partners through innovative, robust and easy-to-use next generation radar technology.”
Dr.-Ing. Timo Jaeschke
CEO & Co-Founder 2π-LABS GmbH
// Award Winning Solution: More than Just Ranging //
From Lab to Application
As a spin-off of Ruhr University Bochum (Chair of Integrated Systems), dedicated specialists are permanently working with great enthusiasm on the optimization of radar technology. 2π-LABS is a key driver of standardization and regulatory work for the industrial development and regulation of the innovative D-band frequency ranges in Europe.
// About Us: Team //
The Core Team Behind 2π-LABS
Dr.-Ing. Timo
More than 10 years professional experience in radar hardware, software and algorithms.
M.Sc. Simon
Dedicated engineer with extensive knowledge in MMIC design, hardware and software.
Dr.-Ing. Jan
Passionate researcher with outstanding radar signal processing software skills.
Dr. rer. nat. Ralph
Experienced Engineer with deep knowledge in business processes.
Enthusiastic marketing, procurement and backoffice specialist.
// About Us: Our Values //
Being Innovative and Open
Technological progress is our DNA.
With visionary ideas, innovative methods, scientific expertise and unrestrained enthusiasm, we set new standards in radar technology. We make it accessible for end-users and offer the competitive edge: in industry and science.
Shaping the future means being open.
Our radar technology is driven by open knowledge, open software, and open interfaces – that’s where we see the future. In this way, we provide a large international community with easy access to complex radar technology and achieve a natural exchange between science and industry.
This is how, we jointly create new potential from innovative and new applications.
This is how we create your added value
Reliability is the product of perfection and trust.
This is what we stand for and how we inspire: both in the use of our radar technology and the results delivered, as well as in the close partnership-based cooperation with you.
This is how we achieve joint success.
// About Us: Research //
Advancing Science
2π-LABS is committed to advancing state-of-the-art through continuous innovation. The following research endeavours are currently being pursued by us.
Current Research
Supported by:
Industrie.IN.NRW Project "TIGER"
Energie.IN.NRW Project "MeRePoly"
Completed Projects
BMBF Project "PINK"
// About Us: Memberships //
Shaping Future
2π-LABS is working in close relation with harmonization committees setting the legal groundwork for using advanced wideband technology in Europe and worldwide.